Dalaman to Oludeniz Transfer time ?

Transfer from Dalaman Airport to Oludeniz takes 1 hour and 20 minutes on private taxi transfer. Turkey Transfer Times differ according to the transport option you use.

Transfer time from Antalya Airport to Side ?

Antalya Airport to Side Transfer time is 1 hour.

What is the transfer time from Bodrum Airport to Gumbet?

It takes 1 hour from Bodrum Airport to Gumbet.

Kusadasi Transfer time from Izmir Airport ?

Izmir Airport to Kusadasi Takes 1 hour and 10 minutes.

Frequently Asked Questions about Turkey Transfer Times and Other details.

When it comes to travelling to other country than your own, you always have questions in your mind. Here in this article, we have collected frequently asked questions about Turkey. So you can read through and find out.

  1. Which resort in Turkey has the shortest transfer time ?

    Lara Beach is the answer. In most searches you will find the answer as Sarigermei. But actually Lara beach offers the shortest transfer time. This ofcourse depends on the location of your hotel in Lara beach. You can reach Lara Beach area in less than 15 minutes by private transfers from Antalya Airport. Bear in mind, Lara Beach is a large area so arriving in to your hotel may take upto 30 minutes.

  2. What is the shortest transfer in Turkey ?

    The correct answer for this question is again Lara Beach area from Antalya Airport. Distance between Lara Beach area and Antalya Airport is about 10 km. Turkey Transfer Times, differ according to the transfer type you use.

  3. How long is the transfer from Dalaman to Oludeniz ?

    Transfer duration is 1 hour 10 minutes. From Dalaman Airport to Oludeniz by private transfers with https://www.transfer4cheap.com

  4. How long is transfer from Dalaman to Hisaronu ?

    Private Transfer takes about 1 hour from Dalaman to Hisaronu. This also depends on the location of your hotel. As Hisaronu and Oludeniz are not far from eachother therefore sometimes the locations of hotels are misunderstood.

  5. Which is the nicest part of Turkey ?

    This ofcourse depends on your taste. But briefly, If you like family holidays and quiet place, we would say Dalyan is the best. Going with friends to party ? Then Marmaris or Gumbet will offer you a nice night life. You would like to visit historical parts, Kusadasi advances here as it is close to the Historical sites such as Ephesus – Virgin Mary’s House and Aphrodisias the ancient city. You would like a bit of everything, then Side in Manavgat area in Antalya region is a nice choice.

  6. Is Turkey safe for Holidays ?

    Turkey is one of the safest country you may have your holiday in. As of 2020 Covid-19 case ruined millions of holidays everywhere in the World so it did in Turkey. But Turkey is a very large country and your holiday resorts in Turkey are well far away from the borders to Syria and Iraq. To make it clearer, Car journey from South-West of Turkey to South-East takes over 24 hours.

  7. Is Antalya or Marmaris Better ?

    Every holiday resort in Turkey offers you good choices of different tastes. Antalya offers warmer weather, an open sea with warmer temprature, In-City ancient ruins, more choices of shopping and ofcourse better quality hotels. Marmaris offers more friendly athmosphere, a lot of bays which is good for boat trips, better night life, ability of booking more enjoyable daily trips.

  8. How much spending money will i need for a week holiday in Turkey ?

    Turkey is one of the best countries for your holiday spending money. If you are not a big spender, You will be okay with £200 per adult per week. This is about 2000 TL ( with the exchange rate of the day of writing this article and subject to change ) which gives you around 285 TL per day. This ofcourse doesnt include booking daily excursions or doing a big shopping but covers little presents to take back home. We have more detailed article about your holiday spending money on our website. Click here to read ” How Much Spending money do i need for a week holiday in Turkey “

  9. Do i need visa for a holiday in Turkey ?

    As of March 2 , 2020 Turkey announced that EU Shengen Area Countries and the United Kingdom citizens are exempt from the visa. So as of the date of writing this article, NO you do NOT need a visa for Turkey Holidays which are limited to 90 days in every 180 days if you are a citizen of the countries named above.

  10. How long is the transfer from Antalya to Alanya ?

    Private Transfer takes about 1 hour and 25 minutes from Antalya Airport to Alanya.

This list goes on, but we have collected some of the most asked questions about Turkey Airport Transfer Times and other issues. If you have a question about your holiday in Turkey. You may contact us via Whatsapp on +447392363755 . Our advisors would be happy to answer your questions. Remember this line is TYPE only line so no calls are answered.

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