How much Spending Money for Turkey?

How much Spending Money for Turkey?

Booked flights,hotel and airport transfers whats next ?

You have paid the most expensive part. The next is your holiday spending money. First of all, you need to ask yourself to find out if you are a big spender on a Holiday ? If you are a big spender ofcourse you will need a bit more than others who spend less during the holiday time. You have worked for this holiday for a year long and it is your time to enjoy your moments in your Turkish holiday resort. You may do your shopping, eat out and have drinks. These will ofcourse cost you some money. There are ways to save some extra money out of your holiday too. Let’s start.

Marmaris Transfers from Dalaman Airport

How much holiday spending money on bb or hb hotel ?

If you have booked bed & breakfast or half board hotel, you will have your basic breakfast at your hotel. You may sometimes fancy your English Breakfast out as your hotel will provide basic Turkish breakfast. So you are not paying extra for the basic breakfast. You will spend sometime at your hotel pool and have couple of drinks. Lets say you will have about 3 drinks in about 3 hours pool side joy. Your drinks at the hotel will be extra. A non-alcoholic drink at your hotel should cost around 15 lira each so you have already spent 45 Lira.

After your poolside rest, you take your wander out in the streets. You will notice a lot of restaurants and pubs welcoming you for your lunch. At a realistic guess, a normal lunch which means nothing big but tasty and filling will cost about 50 lira. If you take a bottle of famous Turkish beer EFES, it will cost additional 20 lira in a random standard restaurant. Thus will make it 70 Lira for your lunch out.

After your lunch you may ofcourse fancy a bit of walk in the bazaar or around the shops to spot your points for your holiday shopping. Then a stroll on beach front is a nice way to witness the sunset and find yourself a beach front pub. You may go in for one or two drinks. Again a bottle of EFES ( 50 ML ) aka large Efes will cost about 30 lira in a beach front pub. If you have two that is additional 60 for your day. If you are on half board basis hotel you may go back to your hotel for your dinner so it will not cost you. But if you are on bed and breakfast hotel in Turkey.

Then you will need to find a nice restaurant for your dinner. A nice dinner in a standard restaurant ( not one of those which are located in Marina or high street ) should cost about 80 lira. In the most restaurants they offer you the starter mezes for free of charge with a fresh baked pita bread. Again two bottles of large Efes beers another 40 lira.

So the totel you spend 120 Lira including your dinner and drinks. You may fancy going into one of the pubs or beachfront restaurants which offers night entertainment and have another 2 bottles of Efes which then will cost extra 60 lira. Going out clubbing differs for everyone therefore we didnt add it.

How much did i spend in a day ?

So far, you paid 45 lira poolside drinks + 70 lira for your lunch and a drink + 60 lira for your afternoon drinks + 120 lira for your dinner and drinks + 60 lira for your evening drinks.

Total: 45 + 70 + 60 + 120 + 60 = 355 Lira. But this is without missing anything. Think it is like a full package. And where the magic comes in the exchange rate. The exchange rate to GBP in Turkey at the time of writing this article is about 10 Lira to 1 Pound. So 355 / 10 = £35,50 Gbp a day. If you are staying for 1 week and lets say you do these everyday your spending money sums up to £35,50 x 7 = £248.50

This doesnt include your local excursion / trip bookings and shopping. But remember the most of the local excursions include lunch.

How much spending money do i need staying in Bed & Breakfast or Half Board Hotel for a week ?

You will need about £248.50 per adult for one week excluding shopping and local excursions / trips.

How Much Spending Money for Turkey All Inclusive Hotel ?

You have booked an all inclusive hotel for a week holiday in Turkey will cut your spending money cost down ofcourse. But there are some issues with all inclusive board too. We will inform you about these on our next article. Let’s start your day in an all inclusive hotel holiday.

You will have your breakfast at your hotel. This again will be Turkish breakfast. Then your poolside drinks included. So you will not spend money for these. Your lunch and drinks at lunch are included so your dinner and evening drinks upto the time the all inclusive concept closes. Then you may want to go out for clubbing. This is purely your choice so you will decide how much you will spend at night clubs.

But let’s say you have fancied a change during your holiday and decided to eat out. If you go for lunch out it will be around 50 lira for an allright lunch and 40 lira for 2 bottles of Efes beer which together makes 90 lira. A stroll around the beach and couple of Efes beers in a pub at the beach front will be 60 lira. Early evening drinks in a different pub again 2 Efes beers 60 lira. If you decide to have your dinner out it will be 80 lira and 1 Efes beer with your dinner is 20 so the total will be 100 Lira.

How Much did i spend a day staying in all inclusive hotel ?

90 lira for your lunch and drinks + 60 lira drinks at the beach front pub + 60 lira for your early evening drinks at beach front pub + 100 Lira for your dinner and drink.

Total: 90 + 60 + 60 + 100 = 310 Lira. These figures with basics and as you are staying at an all inclusive hotel, it is totally upto you if you will have a change going out to eat and drink or eat and drink at the hotel. With again the exchange rate of GBP to Lira at the time of writing this article 310 Lira / 10 = £31 Gbp, per adult per day you decide to eat and drink out.

This does not include your shopping and daily trips booking.

  1. How Much spending money do i need for a week staying in all inclusive hotel in Turkey ?

    About £31 Gbp per adult, per day you would like to eat and drink out. Excluding your shopping and daily trips booking.

So, We hope we are clear enough and gave you idea about your spending money needs for your holiday in Turkey. If you think we have missed any points please feel free to like our FACEBOOK PAGE   and message us do we can edit this article. 

Happy Holidays Folks