Kusadasi Bus Transfer from Izmir Airport £5.50 perperson
Taxi to Kusadasi from Izmir Airport £35 upto 3 people
Izmir Airport to Kusadasi Taxi transfer upto 4 people £47
We are happy to inform you that your Kusadasi Transfers from Izmir Airport are discounted now. If your travel date is after 01/05/2021 ,you can take the advantages of booking your Kusadasi transfers at discounted prices.
We are expecting a high volume of visitors to Kusadasi this year in 2021 and 2022 As it attracts alot of holiday makers from all over the world with it is lovely beach called ” kadınlar plajı” meaning women beach and it is great night life and alot of historical places to visit around itself.
Kusadasi is located about 1 hour and 5 minutes away from Izmir Adanan Menderes Airport. IATA Code ADB. We Transfer4cheap offer all types of available airport transfer services from Izmir airport to Kusadasi.
These are :
A) Shared Shuttle Bus ( Hoppa Bus ) from Izmir airport to Kusadasi
B) Speedy Hoppa Bus, which only has 4 drop offs from Izmir Airport to Kusadasi
C) Private Taxi Transfer from Izmir Airport to Kusadasi
D) Private Minibus Transfers from Izmir Airport to Kusadasi
So you have your Kusadasi Transfers from Izmir Airport covered for any types of budgets with us. If you do not mind waiting at the airport on your arrival for other travellers, hoppa bus transfers should be your choice at economic prices. But if you would like a swift service, then you should go for private transfer options.
Ok, We know that you may think that going for private transfers from Izmir airport to Kusadasi may be expensive. Let’s make a small calculation.
Let’s say you are 3 people travelling. The current price of Hoppa Bus transfers from Izmir Airport to Kusadasi is £5.50 perperson per way, So the total price is £16.50 for 3 people perway and the return price is £33.
If you go for private taxi option, the total price for private taxi transfer from Izmir Airport to Kusadasi is £70. Which means the perperson cost for private taxi transfer is about £23 Return which is still below the norm of £25 perperson calculation based on standard travel agent calculation.
After all these information, it is your choice how ever you would like to arrive into Kusadasi from Izmir Airport, We have the options for your airport transfer needs from Izmir airport. Therefore please scroll through our website to choose which option is the best for you.
See you in Izmir Airport & in Kusadasi this year.